论文题目: Retinoic acid receptor gamma (Rarg) and nuclear receptor subfamily 5, group A, member 2 (Nr5a2) promote conversion of fibroblasts to functional neurons
作者: 史子啸,#沈天津,Y. Liu,Y. Huang,焦建伟*
年: 2014
期: DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M113.515601
联系作者: 焦建伟
发表期刊: Journal of Biological Chemistry
论文连接 http://www.jbc.org/content/early/2014/01/23/jbc.M113.515601.full.pdf+html
摘要: Somatic cells can be reprogrammed to neurons and various other cell types with retrovirus or lentivirus. The limitation of this technology is that these genome-integration viruses may increase the risk of gene mutation and cause insertional mutagenesis. We recently found that non-integration adenovirus carrying neuronal transcription factors can induce fibroblasts to neurons. However, the conversion efficiency by the adenovirus is lower than that of the retrovirus or lentivirus. Therefore, it is crucial to identify other factors or chemical compounds to obtain neurons with high efficiency. In this study, we show that the combination of Rarg (RAR-γ) and Nr5a2 (also known as Lrh-1, liver receptor homologue 1) rapidly promote the iN cells maturation within one week and greatly facilitate the conversion with neuronal purities of approximately 50% and yields of more than 130%. They also improve neuronal pattern formation, electrophysiological characteristics and functional integration in vivo. Moreover, the chemical compound agonists to Rarg and Nr5a2 function effectively as well. This approach may be used for the generation and application of iN cells in regenerative medicine.