动物研究所李义明研究员等发表的论文入选Faculty of 1000 Biology


最近获悉,我所李义明研究员(通讯作者)与国外合作者发表在BioScience的研究论文(Li YM  & Wilcove DS. Threats to vertebrate species in China and the United States. BioScience 2005 55:147-154)被选入2006Faculty of 1000 Biology Faculty Factor 6.0)。被评价为保护方法应该基于对生物多样性致危因子的了解,而我们对这些致危因子的认识明显缺乏,特别是在生物多样性比较丰富的不发达国家。因此,李义明和David Wilcove通过分析中国受威胁物种的致危因子并与将这些致危因子与美国相似的数据库作比较,作出了关键性的贡献Conservation methods should be intimately informed by threats to biodiversity, yet we know strikingly little about these threats, especially in less-developed countries where so much biodiversity occurs. Li and Wilcove therefore provide a crucial contribution by analyzing the threats to imperiled species in China and comparing these threats with a similar database for the US {1}. There are important confirmations and interesting surprises. Confirmation: as expected, overexploitation is a far more frequent threat in China than in the US; surprise 1: it is actually more frequently a threat in China than is habitat destruction. Surprise 2: while not immediately obvious, it does make sense - given the historical context - that logging is a more prevalent threat in China than in the US, and agriculture less prevalent. Unexplained surprise 3: water development (including dams) is a less frequent threat in China than the US. A final curiosity: invasive species threaten *far* fewer species in China than the US. Is this due to scientific attention, ecological differences, or both? Much more work remains, but Li and Wilcove have forged important new ground.)。(网址:http://www.f1000biology.com/article/id/1031305

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