Acta Zoologica Sinica will be published in English and under a new title CURRENT ZOOLOGY

Founded in 1935, and sponsored by the China Zoological Society and the Institute of Zoology (Chinese Academy of Sciences), Acta Zoologica Sinica is the premier Zoological Journal in China. As such it is indexed by major data bases, including BIOSIS, ZOOLOGICAL RECORD and CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS.
During the last few years, the Journal has sought to increase its international impact and to publish a substantial portion of papers in English. To further advance this process, the Editors have decided that from now on only manuscripts written in English will be considered for publication. Further, beginning in January 2009, the Journal will be re-launched under a new title CURRENT ZOOLOGY. All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed and, once accepted, papers will be published as soon as possible without page charges, and read and down-loaded free of charge.
Looking forward to your submissions!
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