姓  名: 李 鑫
学  科: 干细胞,衰老以及癌症转移
电话/传真: +86-10-64807060 / 
电子邮件: xinli@ioz.ac.cn
通讯地址: 北京市朝阳区大屯路甲3号
中国科学院干细胞与再生医学创新研究院大楼 647房间 100101


李鑫,中国科学院动物研究所、北京干细胞与再生医学研究院双聘研究员,博士生导师,2022年入选国家海外优秀青年学者计划。2015年毕业于东北农业大学八年制“国家理科基地班”(中国科学院动物所联合培养)获得发育生物学博士学位。随后于加州大学圣地亚哥分校以及麻省理工学院著名癌症生物学家Robert Weinberg 实验室进行博士后研究工作。2021年12月全职加入中国科学院动物研究所。主要从事人工智能生物学、干细胞与发育、衰老以及癌症转移等方向研究和转化应用。以第一作者(含共同第一)或通讯作者身份在Cell,Science,Cell Research,Nature Cell Biology,Cell Stem Cell等著名刊物发表多篇重要论文。代表性工作包括建立首例大鼠单倍体及大小鼠跨物种异源二倍体胚胎干细胞并对干细胞多形性维持及基因调控的进化差异等重要科学问题进行了研究 (Cell stem cell 2014,Cell 2016);揭示了哺乳动物获得性代谢异常性状可以通过tsRNA为载体的跨代遗传机制以及表观遗传与脂代谢调控衰老机制(Science 2016, Nature cell biology 2018,STTT 2022) ,该工作同时入选2016年度中国科学十大进展;构建了世界首个跨物种生命基础大模型(Cell Research 2024封面)和基于迁移学习的基因调控网络生成模型。目前担任东北农业大学博士生导师、中国老年学和老年医学学会抗衰老分会委员、中国遗传学会衰老遗传学分会委员。



  1. 基于生物大数据的和人工智能的算法揭示细胞内部基因表达调控的机制和规律推断细胞命运的变化,为解析发育机制,器官稳态维持、疾病早期诊断、治疗和干预提供预测模型。
  2. 基于人类干细胞和多种模式动物解析组织再生、衰老和疾病过程中组织微环境参与调控干细胞行为及其命运决定的机制。





  1. Xiaodong Yang,Guole Liu,Guihai Feng,Dechao Bu,Pengfei Wang,Jie Jiang,Shubai Chen,Qinmeng Yang,et al.,Xin Li*. GeneCompass: deciphering universal gene regulatory mechanisms with a knowledge-informed cross-species foundation model. Cell Research (2024).
  2. Xin Li*,Yu H C*. A new paradigm of life science research driven by artificial intelligence. Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (2024).

李鑫,于汉超. 人工智能驱动的生命科学研究新范式. 中国科学院院刊 (2024).

  1. Jiang H P,Gao C C,Liu W H,Yang Y G,Xin Li*. Advances in data-driven life sciences research. Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (2024).

江海平,高纯纯,刘文豪,杨运桂,李鑫*. 数据驱动的生命科学研究进展,中国科学院院刊(2024)。

  1. Minsheng Hao,Lei Wei,Fan Yang,Jianhua Yao,Christina V. Theodoris,Bo Wang,Xin Li,Ge Yang,Xuegong Zhang. Current opinions on large cellular models. Quantitative Biology (2024).
  2. Chen Fang;Yidong Wang;Yunze Song;Qingqing Long;Wang Lu;Linghui Chen;Guihai Feng;Yuanchun Zhou*;Xin Li*. How do Large Language Models understand Genes and Cells. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology(2024).
  3. An J,Zhang S,Wu J,Chen H,Xu G,Hou Y,Liu R,Li N,Cui W, Xin Li,Du Y,Gu Q. Assessing bioartificial organ function: the 3P model framework and its validation. LAB ON A CHIP (2024).
  4. Guihai Feng,Xin Qin,Jiahao Zhang,Wuliang Huang, et al., Xin Li*. CellPolaris: Decoding Cell Fate through Generalization Transfer Learning of Gene Regulatory Networks. bioRxiv (2023).
  5. Xiaodong Yang,Guole Liu,Guihai Feng,Dechao Bu,Pengfei Wang,Jie Jiang, et al., Xin Li*. GeneCompass: Deciphering Universal Gene Regulatory Mechanisms with Knowledge-Informed Cross-Species Foundation Model. bioRxiv (2023).
  6. Yun Zhang,Joana Liu Donaher,Sunny Das, Xin Li,et al.,Genome-wide CRISPR screen identifies PRC2 and KMT2D-COMPASSas regulators of distinct EMT trajectories that contribute differentially to metastasis. Nat Cell Biol (2022).
  7. Li X,Wang J,Wang L,Gao Y,Feng G,Li G,Zou J,Yu M,Li YF,Liu C,Yuan XW,Zhao L,Ouyang H,Zhu JK,Li W,Zhou Q,Zhang K. Lipid metabolism dysfunction induced by age-dependent DNA methylation accelerates aging. Signal Transduct Target Ther (2022).
  8. Xia HM*,Li Xin*,Gao WW*,Fu X,Ronnie H. Fang,Zhang LF,Zhang Kang. Tissue repair and regeneration with endogenous stem cells. Nat Rev Mater(2018).
  9. Zhang Y*,Zhang X*,Shi J*,Tuorto F*,Li Xin*,Liu Y,Liebers R,Zhang L,Qu Y,Qian J,Pahima M,Liu Y,Yan M,Cao Z,Lei X,Cao Y,Peng H,Liu S,Wang Y,Zheng H,Woolsey R,Quilici D,Zhai Q,Li L,Zhou T,Yan W,Lyko F,Zhang Y,Zhou Q,Duan E,Chen Q. Dnmt2 mediates intergenerational transmission of paternally acquired metabolic disorders through sperm small non-coding RNAs. Nature Cell Biology(2018).
  10. Li Xin*,Cui XL*,Wang JQ*,Wang YK,Li YF,Wang LY,Wan HF,Li TD,Feng GH,Shuai L,Li ZK,Gu Q,Hao J,Wang L,Zhao XY,Liu ZH,Wang XJ,Li W*,Zhou Q*. Generation and application of mouse-rat allodiploid embryonic stem cells. Cell(2016).
  11. Wang JQ*, Li Xin*, Wang L*, Li J, Zhao Y, Bou G, Li Y, Jiao G, Shen X, Wei R, Liu S, Xie B, Lei L, Li W, Zhou Q, Liu Z. A novel long intergenic noncoding RNA indispensable for the cleavage of mouse two-cell embryos. EMBO Rep (2016).
  12. Chen Q*,Yan M*,Cao Z*,Li Xin*,Zhang Y*,Shi J*,Feng GH,Peng H,Zhang X,Zhang Y,Qian J,Duan E#,Zhai Q,Zhou Q. Sperm tsRNAs contribute to intergenerational inheritance of an acquired metabolic disorder. Science (2016).
  13. Li Xin*,Wang J.*,Wang L.*,Wan H.,Li Y.,Li TD.,Wang Y.,Shuai L.,Mao Y.,Cui X.,Wang L.,Liu Z.,Zhou Q. Co-participation of paternal and maternal genomes before blastocyst stage is not required for full-term development of mouse embryos. Journal of Molecular Cell Biology (2015). 
  14. Wang J*,Li Xin*,Zhao Y.,Li J.,Zhou Q.,and Liu Z. (2015). Generation of cell-type-specific gene mutations by expressing the sgRNA of the CRISPR system from the RNA polymerase II promoters. Protein & cell (2015).
  15. Shi J.*,Chen Q.*,Li Xin*,Zheng X.*,Zhang Y.*,Qiao J.,Tang F.,Tao Y.,Zhou Q.,and Duan E. Dynamic transcriptional symmetry-breaking in pre-implantation mammalian embryo development revealed by single-cell RNA-seq. Development(2015).
  16. Li Wei*,Li Xin*,Li TD*,Jiang MG*,Wan H,Luo GZ,Feng C,Cui X,Teng F,Yuan Y,Zhou Q,Gu Q,Shuai L,Sha J,Xiao Y,Wang L,Liu Z,Wang XJ,Zhao XY,Zhou Q. Genetic modification and screening in rat using haploid embryonic stem cells. Cell Stem Cell (2014).
  17. Li Xin*,Xia BL*,Li W,Zhou Q. Assessing reprogramming by chimera formation and Tetraploid complementation. Methods Mol Biol (2014).


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