姓  名: 孙玉诚
学  科: 昆虫学/生态学/植物保护学
电话/传真: +86-10-64807123 / 
电子邮件: sunyc@ioz.ac.cn
通讯地址: 北京市朝阳区北辰西路1号院5号
中国科学院动物研究所 农业虫害鼠害综合治理研究国家重点实验室 100101
更多信息: 昆虫生态适应研究组     


  孙玉诚,博士,研究员,博士生导师,昆虫生态适应研究组组长。 兼任中国昆虫学会常务理事、副秘书长、昆虫生态专业委员会主任、组织工作委员会委员,《应用昆虫学报》编委,北京昆虫学会理事等职。长期从事农业刺吸害虫生态适应与成灾机制研究,发表SCI论文60余篇,中文论文15篇,主编专著1本,参编中、英文专著6本。以通讯作者在PNAS,Nature Communications, Current Biology, eLife, Global Change Biology,New Phytologist等国际期刊发表论文。





  • 中国科学院青年创新促进会成员
  • 中国昆虫学会第六届青年科学技术奖
  • 北京昆虫学会昆虫学科技术贡献奖


  1. 国家自然科学基金原创项目:蚜虫翅型分化的表观遗传调控(批准号:32250002;2023. 01-2024. 12)
  2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:烟粉虱-TYLCV-番茄互作的生物节律耦合机制与错配效应 (批准号:32271556;2023. 01-2026. 12)。
  3. 中国烟草总公司重大科技项目:烟蚜成灾致害及其天敌生态控害机制(批准号:110202201017(LS-01);2023. 01-2025. 12)
  4. 国家重点研发计划“重大病虫害防控综合技术研发与示范”重点专项:病虫害农作物信号联系机制与诱控新技术和新产品研发(批准号:2022YFD1400800;2022.09-2025.12)。
  5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:桃蚜唾液蛋白cathepsin在寄主适应性中的分子功能 (批准号:32072426;2021. 01-2024. 12)。
  6. 国家重点研发计划“化学肥料和农药减施增效综合技术研发”重点专项:活体生物农药增效及有害生物生态调控机制(批准号:2017YFD0200400;2017.06-2020.12)。
  7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目: 大气CO2浓度升高下乙烯信号介导的蒺藜苜蓿-豌豆蚜-苜蓿花叶病毒三者互作机制 (批准号:31770452;2018. 01-2021. 12)。


  1. Guo H, Zhang Y, Li B, Li C, Shi Q, Zhu-Salzman K, Ge F & Sun Y (2023) Salivary carbonic anhydrase II in winged aphid morph facilitates plant infection by viruses. PNAS. 120 (14) e2222040120.
  2. Yuan E, Guo H, Chen W, Du B, Mi Y, Qi Z, Yuan Y, Zhu-Salzman K, Ge F & Sun Y (2023) A novel gene REPTOR2 activates the autophagic degradation of wing disc in pea aphid. eLife. 12: e83023.
  3. Wang S, Guo H, Zhu-Salzman K, Ge F & Sun Y (2022) PEBP balances apoptosis and autophagy in whitefly upon arbovirus infection. Nature Communications. 13: 846.
  4. Wang S, Guo H, Ge F & Sun Y (2022) Apoptosis and autophagy coordinately shape vector tolerance to arbovirus infection. Autophagy. 18 (9): 2256-2258.
  5. Guo H, Zhang Y, Tong J, Ge P, Wang Q, Zhao Z, Zhu-Salzman K, Hogenhout SA, Ge F & Sun Y (2020) An aphid-secreted salivary protease activates plant defense in phloem. Current Biology. 30: 4826-4836.
  6. Wang S, Guo H, Ge F & Sun Y (2020) Apoptotic neurodegeneration in whitefly promotes spread of TYLCV. eLife. 9: e56168.
  7. Wang Q, Yuan E, Ling X, Zhu-Salzman K, Guo H, Ge F & Sun Y (2020) An aphid facultative symbiont suppresses plant defense by manipulating aphid gene expression in salivary glands. Plant, Cell & Environment. 43: 2311-2322.
  8. Guo H, Gu L, Liu F, Chen F, Ge F & Sun Y (2019) Aphid-borne viral spread is enhanced by virus-induced accumulation of plant reactive oxygen species. Plant Physiology. 179: 143-155.
  9. Sun Y, Guo H, Yuan E & Ge F (2018) Elevated CO2 increases R gene-dependent resistance of Medicago truncatula against the pea aphid by up-regulating a heat shock gene. New Phytologist. 217: 1697-1711.
  10. Sun Y, Guo H, Yuan L, Wei J, Zhang W & Ge F (2015) Plant stomatal closure improves aphid feeding under elevated CO2. Global Change Biology. 21: 2739-2748.



  1. Yuan Y, Wang Y, Ye W, Yuan E, Di J, Chen X, Xing Y, Sun Y & Ge F (2022) Functional evaluation of the insulin/insulin-like growth factor signaling pathway in determination of wing polyphenism in pea aphid. Insect Science. 1-13, DOI 10.1111/1744-7917.13121.
  2. Zhang X, Ouyang F, Su J, Li Z, Yuan Y, Sun Y, Sarkar SC, Xiao Y & Ge F (2022) Intercropping flowering plants facilitate conservation, movement and biocontrol performance of predators in insecticide-free apple orchard. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 340. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2022.108157.


  1. Ling X, Gu S, Tian C, Guo H, Degen T, Turlings TCJ, Ge F & Sun Y (2021) Differential levels of fatty acid-amino acid conjugates in the oral secretions of Lepidopteran larvae account for the different profiles of volatiles. Pest Management Science. 77: 3970-3979.
  2. Zhou X, Ling X, Guo H, Zhu-Salzman K, Ge F & Sun Y (2021) Serratia symbiotica enhances fatty acid metabolism of pea aphid to promote host development. International Jounral of Molecular Sciences. 22, 5951. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms22115951.
  3. Guo H, Ge P, Tong J, Zhang Y, Peng X, Zhao Z, Ge F & Sun Y (2021) Elevated carbon dioxide levels decreases cucumber mosaic virus accumulation in correlation with greater accumulation of rgs-CaM, an inhibitor of a viral suppressor of RNAi. Plants. 10, 59. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants10010059.


  1. Guo H, Sun Y, Yan H, Li C & Ge F (2020) O3-induced priming defense associated with the abscisic acid signaling pathway enhances plant resistance to Bemisia tabaci. Frontiers in Plant Science. 11: 93. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2020.00093.
  2. Yan H, Guo HG, Sun Y & Ge F (2020) Plant phenolics mediated bottom-up effects of elevated CO2 on Acyrthosiphon pisum and its parasitoid Aphidius avenae. Insect Science. 27: 170-184.
  3. Yuan E, Yan H, Gao J, Guo H, Ge F & Sun Y (2019) Increases in genistein in Medicago sativa confer resistance against the Pisum host race of Acyrthosiphon pisum. Insects. 10: 97. doi:10.3390/insects10040097.
  4. Cui H, Sun Y, Zhao Z & Zhang Y (2019) The Combined Effect of Elevated O3 Levels and TYLCV Infection Increases the Fitness of Bemisia tabaci Mediterranean on Tomato Plants. Environmental Entomology. 48(6): 1425-1433.
  5. Gao J, Guo H, Sun Y & Ge F (2018) Differential accumulation of leucine and methionine in red and green pea aphids leads to different fecundity in response to nitrogen fertilization. Pest Management Science. 74: 1779-1789.
  6. Gao J, Guo H, Sun Y & Ge F (2018) Juvenile hormone mediates the positive effects of nitrogen fertilization on weight and reproduction in pea aphid. Pest Management Science. 74: 2511-2519.
  7. Yan H, Guo HG, Yuan E, Sun Y & Ge F (2018) Elevated CO2 and O3 alter the feeding efficiency of Acyrthosiphon pisum and Aphis craccivora via changes in foliar secondary metabolites. Scientific Reports. 8: 9964. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-28020-w.
  8. Guo HG, Sun Y, Yan HY, Li CY & Ge F (2018) O3-induced leaf senescence in tomato plants is ethylene signaling-dependent and enhances the population abundance of Bemisia tabaci. Frontiers in Plant Science. 9:764. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00764.
  9. Sun Y, Guo H & Ge F (2016) Plant–aphid interactions under elevated CO2: Some cues from aphid feeding behavior. Frontiers in Plant Science. 7: 502. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00502.
  10. Guo H, Sun Y, Peng X, Wang Q, Harris M & Ge F (2016) Up-regulation of abscisic acid signaling pathway facilitates aphid xylem absorption and osmoregulation under drought stress.  Journal of Experimental Botany. 67 (3) 681-693.
  11. Guo H, Huang L, Sun Y, Guo H & Ge F (2016) The contrasting effects of elevated CO2 on TYLCV infection of tomato genotypes with and without the resistance gene, Mi-1.2. Frontiers in Plant Science. 7: 1680. doi: 10. 3389/fpls. 2016. 01680.
  12. Cui H, Sun Y, Chen F, Zhang Y & Ge F (2016) Elevated O3 and TYLCV infection reduce the suitability of tomato as a host for the whitefly Bemisia tabaci. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 17: 1964.


  1. Ren Q, Sun Y, Guo H, Wang C, Li C & Ge F (2015) Elevated ozone induces jasmonic acid defense of tomato plants and reduces midgut proteinase activity in Helicoverpa armigera. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. 154 (3) 188-198.
  2. Ge L, Sun Y, Ouyang F, Wu J & Ge F (2015) The effects of triazophos applied to transgenic Bt rice on the nutritional indexes, Nlvg expression, and population growth of Nilaparvata lugens Stal under elevated CO2. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology. 118: 50-57.
  3. Guo H, Sun Y, Li Y, Liu X, Wang P, Zhu-Salzman K & Ge F (2014) Elevated CO2 alters the feeding behavior of the pea aphid by modifying the physical and chemical resistance of Medicago truncatula. Plant Cell & Environment 37: 2158-2168.
  4. Wang GH, Wang XX, Sun Y & Ge F (2014). Impacts of elevated CO2 on Bemisia tabaci infesting Bt cotton and its parasitoid Encarsia formosa. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 152: 228-237.
  5. Yin J, Sun Y & Ge F (2014) Reduced plant nutrition under elevated CO2 depresses the immunocompetence of cotton bollworm against its endoparasite. Scientific Reports 4: 4538; DOI: 10.1038/srep04538.
  6. Yuan Y, Krogh PH, Bai X, Roelofs D, Chen F, Zhu-Salzman K, Liang Y, Sun Y & Ge F (2014) Microarray detection and qPCR screening of potential biomarkers of Folsomia candida (Collembola: Isotomidae) exposed to Bt proteins (Cry1Ab and Cry1Ac). Environmental Pollution 184: 170-178.
  7. Guo H, Sun Y, Li Y, Liu X, Ren Q, Zhu-Salzman K & Ge F (2013) Elevated CO2 Modifies N Acquisition of Medicago truncatula by Enhancing N Fixation and Reducing Nitrate Uptake from Soil. PLoS ONE 8 (12): e81373.
  8. Sun Y, Guo H, Zhu-Salzman K & Ge F (2013) Elevated CO2 increases the abundance of the peach aphid on Arabidopsis by reducing jasmonic acid defenses. Plant Science 210: 128-140.
  9. Ge L, Wu J, Sun Y, Ouyang F & Ge F (2013) Effects of triazophos on biochemical substances of transgenic Bt rice and its nontarget pest Nilaparvata lugens Stal under elevated CO2. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 107 (2): 188-199.
  10. Shi PJ, Men XY, Sandhu HS, Chakraborty A, Li BL, Ou-yang F, Sun Y & Ge F (2013) The “general” ontogenetic growth model is inapplicable to crop growth. Ecological Modelling 266: 1-9.
  11. Guo F, Lei J, Sun Y, Chi YH, Ge F, Patil BS, Koiwa H, Zeng R & Zhu-Salzman K (2012) Antagonistic Regulation, Yet Synergistic Defense: Effect of Bergapten and Protease Inhibitor on Development of Cowpea Bruchid Callosobruchus maculatus. PLoS ONE 7(8): e41877.
  12. Guo H, Sun Y, Ren Q, Zhu-Salzman K, Kang L, Wang C, Li C & Ge F (2012) Elevated CO2 Reduces the Resistance and Tolerance of Tomato Plants to Helicoverpa armigera by Suppressing the JA Signaling Pathway. PLoS ONE 7 (7): e41426. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0041426.
  13. Cui H, Sun Y, Su J, Li C & Ge F (2012) Reduction in the fitness of Bemisia tabaci fed on three previously infested tomato genotypes differing in the jasmonic acid pathway Environmental Entomology 41(6): 1443-1453.
  14. Cui H, Sun Y, Su J, Ren Q, Li C & Ge F (2012) Elevated O3 reduces the fitness of Bemisia tabaci via enhancement of the SA dependent defense of the tomato plant. Arthropod-Plant Interactions 6: 425-437.
  15. Huang L, Ren Q, Sun Y, Ye L, Cao H & Ge F (2012) Lower incidence and severity of tomato virus in elevated CO2 is accompanied by modulated plant induced defence in tomato. Plant Biology 14: 905-913.
  16. Sun Y, Yin J, Cao H, Li C, Kang L & Ge F (2011) Elevated CO2 Influences Nematode-Induced Defense Responses of Tomato Genotypes Differing in the JA Pathway. PLoS one 6 (5) e19751: 1-9.
  17. Sun Y, Feng L, Gao F & Ge F (2011) Effects of elevated CO2 and plant genotype on interactions among cotton, aphids, and parasitoids. Insect Science 18, 451-461.
  18. Sun Y, Yin J, Chen F, Wu G & Ge F (2011) How does atmospheric elevated CO2 affect crop pests and their natural enemies?: Case histories from China. Insect Science 18, 393-400.
  19. Sun Y & Ge F (2011) How do aphids respond to elevated CO2? Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 14: 217-220.
  20. Bonato O, Ikemoto T, Shi P, Ge F, Sun Y & Cao H (2011) Common-intersection hypothesis of development rate lines of ectotherms within a taxon revisited. Journal of Thermal Biology 36: 422-429.
  21. Shi P, Ikemoto T, Egami C, Sun Y & Ge F (2011) A Modified Program for Estimating the Parameters of the SSI Model. Environmental Entomology 40: 462-469.
  22. Shi P, Ge F, Sun Y & Chen C (2011) A simple model for describing the effect of temperature on insect developmental rate. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 14: 15-20.


  1. Sun Y, Cao H, Yin J, Kang L & Ge F (2010) Elevated CO2 changes the interactions between nematode and tomato genotypes differing in the JA pathway. Plant, Cell and Environment 33: 729-739.
  2. Yin J, Sun Y, Wu G & Ge F (2010) Effects of elevated CO2 associated with maize, a C4 plant, on multiple generations of cotton bollworms Helicoverpa armigera Hübner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 136: 12-20.
  3. Yin J, Sun Y, Wu G, Parajulee MN & Ge F (2009) No effects of elevated CO2 on the population relationship between cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera Hübner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), and its parasitoid, Microplitis mediator Haliday (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 132: 267-275.
  4. Sun Y, Chen FJ & Ge F (2009) Elevated CO2 Changes Interspecific Competition Among Three Species of Wheat Aphids: Sitobion avenae, Rhopalosiphum padi, and Schizaphis graminum. Environmental Entomology 38: 26-34.
  5. Sun Y, Jing BB & Ge F (2009) Response of amino acid changes in Aphis gossypii (Glover) to elevated CO2 levels. Journal of Applied Entomology 133: 189-197.
  6. Gao F, Zhu SR, Sun Y, Du L, Parajulee M, Kang L & Ge F (2008) Interactive Effects of Elevated CO2 and Cotton Cultivar on Tri-Trophic Interaction of Gossypium hirsutum, Aphis gossyppii, and Propylaea japonica. Environmental Entomology 37: 29-37.
  7. Wu G, Chen FJ, Sun Y & Ge F (2007) Response of Cotton to Early-Season Square Abscission under Elevated CO2. Agronomy journal 99: 791-796.
  8. Wu G, Chen FJ, Sun Y & Ge F (2007) Response of successive three generations of cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner), fed on cotton bolls under elevated CO2. Journal of Environmental Sciences 19: 1318-1325.
  9. Wu G, Chen FJ, Ge F & Sun Y (2007) Effects of elevated CO2 on the growth and foliar chemistry of transgenic Bt cotton. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 49: 1362-1370.
  10. Wu G, Chen FJ, Ge F & Sun Y (2007) Transgenic Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) cotton allomone response to cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii (Glover) in a Closed-Dynamics CO2 Chamber (CDCC). Journal of Plant Research 120: 679-685.


  1. 戈峰,孙玉诚,欧阳芳,张文庆. 2020. 昆虫生态学研究进展。中国生态学学会主编,《中国生态学学科40年发展回顾》,科学出版社,154-172页。
  2. Sun Yucheng, Guo Huijuan, Ge Feng. 2019. Medicago truncatula-pea aphid interaction in the context of global climate change ( The Model Legume Medicago truncatula (edited by Frans J. de Bruijn), John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Online ISBN: 9781119409144.
  3. 孙玉诚,欧阳芳,郭慧娟,戈峰. 2018. 全球变化昆虫学研究. 2016-2017昆虫学科发展报告,中国科学技术出版社,151-170页.
  4. 戈峰,孙玉诚 2013. 农业昆虫对全球气候变化的响应。李文华主编,《中国当代生态学研究 · 全球变化生态学卷》,科学出版社,292-308页。
  5. 戈峰, 陈法军, 吴刚, 孙玉诚. 2010. 《昆虫对大气CO2浓度升高的响应》。科学出版社. 212页,26万字。


  1. 张艳静,李丹阳,郭慧娟,孙玉诚. 2020. 蚜虫传播非持久性病毒的取食行为调控机制。植物保护学报,47 (5): 949-961.
  2. 佟佳慧,郭慧娟,赵紫华,孙玉诚. 2020. 蚜虫取食中的细胞壁修饰与免疫功能。应用昆虫学报, 57 (3): 574-585.
  3. 王世藩,郭慧娟,孙玉诚,戈峰. 2020. 病毒操纵媒介昆虫行为的特征与机制。应用昆虫学报, 56 (6): 1223-1239.
  4. 顾丽元,刘志源,郭慧娟,戈峰,张超,孙玉诚. 2018. 大气CO2浓度升高对取食不同基因型拟南芥上桃蚜转录组基因表达的影响。应用昆虫学报, 55 (2): 194-207.
  5. 孙玉诚,郭慧娟,戈峰. 2017. 昆虫对全球气候变化的响应与适应性. 应用昆虫学报, 54 (4): 539-552.
  6. 原二亮,郭慧娟,李凤超,孙玉诚. 2017. 豌豆蚜为害下CO2浓度升高对两种不同固氮能力 蒺藜苜蓿间接防御的影响. 植物保护学报,44 (2): 290-297.
  7. 彭新红,刘志源,郭慧娟,蒋军喜,孙玉诚.  2016. 桃蚜取食行为对大气CO2浓度升高的响应. 应用昆虫学报, 53 (1): 103-111.
  8. 孙玉诚, 郭慧娟, 刘志源,戈峰. 2011. 大气CO2浓度升高对植物-植食性昆虫的作用机制. 应用昆虫学报, 48 (5): 1123-1129.


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