姓  名: 赵莉蔺
学  科: 生态学
电话/传真: +86-10-64807071 / 
电子邮件: zhaoll@ioz.ac.cn
通讯地址: 北京市朝阳区北辰西路1号院5号
中国科学院动物研究所 100101
更多信息: 入侵生物互作生态学研究组     



国家WR青拔,中国科学院“青年创新促进会”优秀会员、国家自然科学基金重点项目主持、国家重点研发计划项目主持。Frontiers in Plant ScienceAgronomy Associate Editor、《昆虫学报》编委、中国昆虫学会理事、副秘书长、中国昆虫学会化学生态专业委员会副主任、国际学术交流工作委员会副主任、中国植保学会生物入侵分会副主任、中国林学会森林和草原昆虫分会副主任、中国生态学会化学生态委员会委员。获第十五届林业青年科技奖,林业青年科技奖、卢嘉锡青年人才奖。获得梁希科技进步二等奖(排名第二)等省部级奖励5项。

2007年于中国科学院动物研究所获得博士学位留所工作,历任助理研究员、副研究员、创新研究员;2012年6-12月在美国佛罗里达大学从事访问学者研究, 2017年至今任中国科学院动物研究所研究员(PI)。

聚焦“外来种如何入侵灾变”这一科学问题,开展理论突破和技术创新,以松材线虫为主要研究对象,形成了林业生物入侵的产学研一体化研发范式。发现本地种的协同是外来种入侵灾变关键。从化学通讯新视角阐明了本地种协同的入侵灾变规律,提出“本地种协同入侵”假说,从化学信息和基因水平阐明全球气候变化下中国媒介昆虫和伴生菌促进入侵病原繁殖和扩散的共生入侵和适应性进化机制,以第一或者通讯作者在Nature CommunicationCurrent BiologyGlobal Change BiologyTrends in ParasitologyISME J等国内外学术期刊发表论文90余篇;改变了以杀灭入侵病虫为目标的被动防控思路,提出了“生态免疫诱导”的主动防御理念,研发破坏协同互作的微生态调控技术。2021年以来提交政策建议报告6项获得全国政协、中央办公厅等采纳。






2020年,梁希科学技术进步二等奖 (排名第二)



2019年, 国家WR计划青年拔尖人才


2014年,浙江省科技进步一等奖 (排名第三)





  1. Zhou,J.#,Du,J. #,Bonifácio,L.#,Yin,W.#,Huang,L.,Ning,J.,Han,D.,Hu,J.,Song,W.,Zhao,L.*,2024. Vulnerability of global pine forestry's carbon sink to an invasive pathogen-vector system. Global Change Biology 30(12),e17614
  2. Ren,L#.,Zhang,H. #,Zhou,J. #,Wu,Y.,Liu,B.,Wang,S.,Liu,X.,Hao,X.,Zhao,L. *,2023. Unique and generic crossed metabolism in response to four sub-lethal environmental stresses in the oriental fruit fly,Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety  264,115434.
  3. Ning,J. #,Gu,X. #,Zhou,J.,Zhang,H.,Sun,J.,Zhao,L.*,2023. Palmitoleic acid as a coordinating molecule between the invasive pinewood nematode and its newly associated fungi. ISME Journal 17,1862–1871.
  4. Chen,Z.,Wang,X.,Ren,X.,Li,W.,Chen,L.,Zhao,L.*,2023. Fate and occurrence of indoxacarb during radish cultivation for multi-risk assessment. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety  259,115065.
  5. Zhang,Y. #,Gu,X. #,Huang,C.,Zhou,J.,Shi,J. *,Zhao,L*.,2023. Temperature-regulated metabolites of Serratia marcescens inhibited reproduction of pinewood nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus. iScience 26,107082.
  6. Shen,P.#,Wan,X. #,Wu,F.,Shi,K.,Li,J.,Gao,H.,Zhao,L.*,Zhou,C. *,2023. Neural circuit mechanisms linking courtship and reward in Drosophila males Current Biology S0960-9822,00523-00527.
  7. Chen,Z.,Liu,Z.,Ren,X.,Kang,S.,Wei,L.,Zhao,L. *,2023. Health risks of dietary ethirimol exposure demand attention in China: A study of nationwide applications. Chemosphere 331,138810.
  8. Chen,Z.,Kang,S.,Ren,X.,Cheng,Y.,Li,W.,Zhao,L. *,2023. Large-scale fate profiling of butralin between cultivated and processed garlics for multi-risk estimations. Science of The Total Environment 873,162369.
  9. Tang,X. #,Zhou,J. #,Koski,T.M.,Liu,S., Zhao,L. *,Sun,J. *,2023. Hypoxia-induced tracheal elasticity in vector beetle facilitates the loading of pinewood nematode. Elife 12,e84621.
  10. Zhao,H. #,Xian,X. #,Yang,N.,Guo,J.,Zhao,L.,Shi,J.*,  Liu,W.*,2023. Risk assessment framework for pine wilt disease: Estimating the introduction pathways and multispecies interactions among the pine wood nematode,its insect vectors,and hosts in China. Science of The Total Environment  905,167075.
  11. Tian,H#.,Zhao,L.#,Koski,T.,Sun,J.*,2022. Microhabitat governs the microbiota of the pinewood nematode and its vector beetle: Implication for the prevalence of pine wilt disease. Microbiology Spectrum 10,e0078322.
  12. Ning,J.#,Zhou,J. #,Wang,H.,Liu,Y.,Ahmad,F.,Feng,X.,Fu,Y.,Gu,X.,Zhao,L.*,2022. Parallel evolution of c-type lectin domain gene family sizes in insect-vectored nematodes. Frontiers in Plant Science 13,856826.
  13. Ning,J.,Lu,P.,Fan,J.,Ren,L., Zhao,L. *,2022. American fall webworm in China: A new case of global biological invasions. Innovation 3,100201.
  14. Tian,H. #,Koski,T. M. #,Zhao,L.,Sun,J.*,2022. Invasion history of the pinewood nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus influences the abundance of Serratia sp. in pupal chambers and tracheae of insect-vector Monochamus alternatus. Frontiers in Plant Science 13,856841.
  15. Zhao,M.,Wickham,J. D.,Zhao,L., Sun,J.*,2021. Major ascaroside pheromone component asc-C5 influences reproductive plasticity among isolates of the invasive species pinewood nematode. Integrative Zoology 16(6),893–907.
  16. Xiang,Y.,Zou,Q.,Zhao,L.*,2020. VPTMdb: a viral posttranslational modification database. Briefings in Bioinformatics 2021.22(4),bbaa251.
  17. Zhang,C.,Wickham,J. D.,Zhao,L.,Sun,J,2021. A new bacteria‐free strategy induced by MaGal2 facilitates pinewood nematode escape immune response from its vector beetle. Insect Science 28(4),1087-1102.
  18. Zhang,B.#,Zhao,L.#,Ning,J.,Wickham,J.D.,Sun,J.*,2020. Mir-31-5p regulates cold acclimation of the wood-boring beetle Monochamus alternatus via ascaroside signaling. BMC Biology 18(1),184.
  19. Zhang,W.,Yu,H.,Lv,Y.,Bushley,K.E.,Wickham,J.D.,Gao,S.,Hu,S.*,Zhao,L.*,Sun,J.*,2020. Gene family expansion of pinewood nematode to detoxify its host defence chemicals,Molecular Ecology 29(5),940-955.
  20. Meng,J.,Wickham,J. D.,Ren,W.,Zhao,L.*,Sun,J.*,2020. Species displacement facilitated by ascarosides between two sympatric sibling species: a native and invasive nematode. Journal of pest science 93,1059-1071.
  21. Zhang,W.#,Zhao,L.#,Zhou,J.,Yu,H.,Zhang,C.,Lv,Y.,Lin,Z.,Hu,S.,Zou,Z.,Sun,J.*,2019. Enhancement of oxidative stress contributes to increased pathogenicity of the invasive pine wood nematode. Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society B-biological Sciences 374,20180323.
  22. Wu,Y.,Wickham,J.D.,Zhao,L.*,Sun,J.*,2019. CO2 drives the pine wood nematode off its insect vector. Current Biology 29,R603-R622.
  23. Zhou,J. #,Zhao,L. #,Yu,H.,Wang,Y.,Zhang,W.,Hu,S.,Sun,J.,2018. Immune tolerance of vector beetle to its partner plant parasitic nematode modulated by its insect parasitic nematode. The FASEB Journal  32(9),4862-4877.
  24. Zhao,L.#,Ahmad,F. #,Lu,M.,Zhang,W.,Wickham,J. D.,Sun,J.,2018. Ascarosides promote the prevalence of ophiostomatoid fungi and an invasive pathogenic nematode,Bursaphelenchus xylophilus. Journal of chemical ecology  44,701-710.
  25. Zhou,J.,Yu,H.,Zhang,W.,Ahmad,F.,Hu,S.*,Zhao,L.*, Zou,Z.*,Sun,J.*,2018. Comparative analysis of the Monochamus alternatus immune system. Insect science  25(4),581-603.
  26. Zhang,W. #,Meng,J. #,Ning,J. #,Qin,P.,Zhou,J.,Zou,Z.,Wang,Y.,Jiang,H., Ahmad,F.,Zhao,L.*,Sun,J.*,2017. Differential immune responses of Monochamus alternatus against symbiotic and entomopathogenic fungi. Science China Life Sciences  60,902-910.
  27. Zhang,B.,Zhang,W.,Lu,M.,Ahmad,F.,Tian,H.,Ning,J.,Liu,X.,Zhao,L.*, Sun,J.*,2017. Chemical signals of vector beetle facilitate the prevalence of a native fungus and the invasive pinewood nematode. Journal of Nematology  49(4),341-347.
  28. Zhang,S. #,Ning,J. #,Zhang,W.,Salcedo,C.,Zhao,L.*,2017. Developmental differences between a Chinese and a North American isolate of the pinewood nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Tylenchida: Aphelenchoididae) under laboratory conditions. Science China Life Sciences  60,921-923.
  29. Zhao,L.,Zhang,X.,Wei,Y.,Zhou,J.,Zhang,W.,Qin,P.,Chinta,S.,Kong,X.,Liu,Y.,Yu,H.,Hu,S.,Zou,Z.,Butcher,R.A. and Sun,J.*,2016. Ascarosides coordinate the dispersal of a plant-parasitic nematode with the metamorphosis of its vector beetle. Nature Communications 7,12341.
  30. Chen,D.,Li,Y.,Zhang,Q.,Zhang,S.,Wang,H.,Zhang,Z., Zhao,L. and Kong,X.*,2015. Population divergence of aggregation pheromone responses in Ips subelongatus in northeastern China. Insect Science 23(5),728-738.
  31. Zhao,L.,Mota,M.,Vieira,P.,Butcher,R.A. Sun,J.*,2014. Interspecific communication between pinewood nematode,its insect vector,and associated microbes. Trends in Parasitology 30,209-308.
  32. Zhao,L.,Zhang,S.,Wei,W.,Hao,H.,Zhang,B.,Butcher,R.A. and Sun,J.*,2013. Chemical signals synchronize the life cycles of a plant-parasitic nematode and its vector beetle. Current Biology. 23,2038-2043.
  33. Zhao,L.,Lu,M.,Niu,H.,Fang,G.,Zhang,S.,Sun,J.*,2013. A native fungal symbionts facilitate the prevalence and development of an invasive pathogen-native vector symbiosis. Ecology 94,2817-2826.
  34. Niu,H., Zhao,L. and Sun,J.*,2013. Phenotypic plasticity of reproductive traits in response to food availability in invasive and native species of nematode. Biological Invasions 15,1407-1415.
  35. Niu,H., Zhao,L.,Lu,M.,Zhang,S.,Sun,J.*,2012. The ratio and concentration of two monoterpenes mediate fecundity of the pinewood nematode and growth of its associated fungi. PLoS ONE 7(2),e31716.
  36. Wang,Y.,Wang,H.,Jin,Y. Bu,C.,Cheng,J. Zhao,L.,Shi,G.*,2010. Assessment of the contact toxicity of Methyl Palmitate on Tetranychus viennensis (Acari: Tetranychidae). Journal of Economic Entomology 103(4),1372-1377.
  37. Zhao,L.,Jiang,P.,Humble,L.M.,Sun,J.*,2009.  Within-tree distribution and attractant sampling of propagative pinewood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus: an early diagnosis approach. Forest Ecology and Management 258: 1932-1937.
  38. Zhao,L.,Wei,W.,Kang,L.,Sun,J.*,2007. Chemotaxis of the pinewood nematode,Bursaphelenchus xylophilus,to volatiles associated with host pine,Pinus massoniana,and its vector Monochamus alternatus. Journal of Chemical Ecology 33,1207-1216.
  39. Zhao,L.,Wei,W.,Liu,X.,Kang,L.,Sun,J.*,2007. A novel rapid sampling method for pinewood nematode,Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Nematoda: Parasitaphelenchidae). Canadian journal of forest research 37(10),1867-1872.
  40. Zhao,L.,Wei,W.,Kulhavy,D. L.,Zhang,X.,Sun,J.,2007. Low temperature induces two growth-arrested stages and change of secondary metabolites in Bursaphelenchus xylophilus. Nematology 9(5),663-670.


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