姓 名: |
温知新 |
学 科: |
动物地理学 |
电话/传真: |
(8610) 6480 7225 / (8610) 6480 7099 |
电子邮件: |
wenzx@ioz.ac.cn |
通讯地址: |
北京市朝阳区北辰西路1号院,中国科学院动物研究所兽类学研究组 100101 |
更多信息: |
温知新,男,副研究员。2014年于中国科学院动物研究所获动物学博士学位。2016至2022年担任中国科学院动物研究所动物进化与系统重点实验室助理研究员;2022年12月至今任副研究员。自2007年开始,长期在我国青藏高原、横断山区、武陵山区和新疆北部地区从事兽类野外研究及调查工作。目前以(共同)第一作者身份在《Ecography》、《Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America》、《Journal of Biogeography》、《Landscape Ecology》、《Biological Conservation》、《Science of the Total Environment》、《Zoological Research》等国际生态学和生物学刊物上发表论文多篇。
- 青藏高原和横断山区兽类多样性地理分布格局及驱动因素研究
- 自然保护区体系构建关键因素(以兽类为主要对象)研究
- 山地小型兽类群落构建机制及对全球气候变化的响应研究
担任Journal of Biogeography、Ecography、Global Ecology and Conservation、Biological Conservation、Biodiversity and Conservation、Tropical Ecology、Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution、生物多样性、动物学杂志等国内外学术刊物审稿人。
- 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“西藏自治区保护区网络兽类多样性保护关键因子研究”,54万元,2023-2026
- 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:“气候变化背景下横断山区小型兽类海拔分布变化研究”,26万元,2019-2021
- 国家科技基础性工作专项:“新疆第三次综合科学考察典型区域预调查—兽类调查”,20万元,2020-2022
- 系统与进化实验室开放课题:“西南山地小型兽类多度—分布关系研究”,4万元,2019-2023
- 横向项目:“川藏铁路拉萨—林芝段工程施工期野生动物监测”,240万元,2016-2021
- 第二次青藏高原综合科学考察项目:“国家重大工程对生物多样性影响评估”,260万元,2019-2024(第二主持人)
- 第二次青藏高原综合科学考察项目:“自然保护地体系建设”,266万元,2019-2024(第二主持人)
- Wen, Z.X.#, Feijó, A. #, Ke, J.Z., He, X.C., Cheng, J.L., Ge, D.Y., Tian, T., Xia, L., Wu, Y.J., Ran, J.H.*, Yang, Q.S*. 2022. Altitudinal dispersal process drives community assembly of montane small mammals. Ecography, 2022: e06318.
- Wen, Z.X.#, Cai, T.L.#, Wu, Y.J., Feijó, A., Xia, L., Cheng, J.L., Peng, X.W., Zhang, Q., Zhang, Z.J., Ran, J.H., Ge, D.Y. *, Yang, Q.S*. 2022. Environmental drivers of sympatric mammalian species compositional turnover in giant panda nature reserves: Implications for conservation. Science of the Total Environment, 806: 150944.
- Wen, Z.X.#, Ge, D.Y.#, Feijó, A., Du, Y.B., Cheng, J.L. Sun, J., Wang, Y.Q., Xia, L., Yang, Q.S*. 2021. Varying support for abundance-centre and congeneric-competition hypotheses along elevational transects of mammals. Journal of Biogeography, 48:616-627.
- Wen, Z.X., Feijó, A., Cheng, J.L., Du, Y.B., Ge, D.Y., Xia, L., Yang, Q.S*. 2021. Explaining mammalian abundance and elevational range size with body mass and niche characteristics. Journal of Mammalogy, 102:13-27. (Cover Paper)
- Wen, Z.X.#, Cai, T.L.#, Feijó, A., Xia, L., Cheng, J.L., Ge, D.Y., Yang, Q.S*. 2020. Using completeness and defaunation indices to understand nature reserve’s key attributes in preserving medium- and large-bodied mammals. Biological Conservation, 241: 108273.
- Wen, Z.X., Wu, Y.J., Cheng, J.L., Cai, T.L., Du, Y.B., Ge, D.Y., Xia, L., Yang, Q.S*. 2018. Abundance of small mammals correlates with their elevational range sizes and elevational distributions in the subtropics. Ecography, 41:1888-1898.
- Wen, Z.X., Cheng, J.L., Ge, D.Y., Xia, L., Lv, X., Yang, Q.S*. 2018. Abundance of small mammals correlates with their elevational range sizes and elevational distributions in the subtropics. Landscape Ecology, 33:1711-1724.
- Wen, Z.X. #, Wu, Y.J. #, Ge, D.Y., Cheng, J.L., Chang, Y.B., Yang, Z.S., Xia, L., Yang, Q.S*. 2017. Heterogeneous distributional responses to climate warming: Evidence from rodents along a subtropical elevational gradient. BMC Ecology, 17:17.
- Wen, Z.X., Yang, Q.S*., Quan, Q., Xia, L., Ge, D.Y., Lv, X. 2016. Multiscale partitioning of small mammal b-diversity provides novel insights into the Quaternary faunal history of Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau and Hengduan Mountains. Journal of Biogeography, 43:1412-1424.
- Xie, W.D. #, Wen, Z.X. #, Song, K., Guo, B.C. *, Fang, Y., Sun, Y.H*. 2023. Global freshwater assessment of establishment risk of invasive Alligator gar (Atractosteus spatula) and risks to freshwater ecosystems in China. Zoological Research, 44:90-93.
- Feijó, A. #, Ge, D.Y. #, Wen, Z.X. #, Cheng, J.L., Xia, L., Patterson, B.D., Yang, Q.S*. 2022. Mammalian diversification bursts and biotic turnovers are synchronous with Cenozoic geoclimatic events in Asia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119: e2207845119. (Cover Paper)
- Cheng, Y.W#, Wen, Z.X. #, He, X.C., Dong, Z.H., Zhangshang, M.Y., Li, D.H., Wang, Y., Jiang, Y., Wu, Y.J*. 2022. Ecological traits affect the seasonal migration patterns of breeding birds along a subtropical altitudinal gradient. Avian Research, 13: 100066.