姓  名: 赵方庆
学  科: 前沿组学与人工智能
电话/传真: +86-10-84504172 / 
电子邮件: zhfq@ioz.ac.cn
通讯地址: 北京市朝阳区林萃东路遗传所1号楼 100101


赵方庆,研究员,博士生导师。先后获得基金委优青(2017)、北京杰青(2018)、国家杰青(2020)和中国科学院特聘研究员(2022)。现任副主任、技术平台主任、中国生物信息学会基因组信息学分会主任。在Briefings in BioinformaticsScience BulletinScience China Life SciencesGenomics,Proteomics & Bioinformatics等国际学术刊物担任副主编或编委。主要致力于建立高效的算法模型和实验技术,探索人体微生物与非编码RNA的结构组成与变化规律,以期解析它们与人类健康和疾病的关系。在CellGutNature BiotechnologyNature MethodsNature Computational ScienceNature Communications等刊物上发表通讯作者论文100余篇;论文总引用次数超过1.5万次,其中十余篇入选ESI高被引论文;连续6年荣获“中国科学院优秀导师奖”(2017~2023),3次获得“中国科学院大学领雁奖章”、“中国科学院优秀共产党员”、“中国科学院李佩优秀教师奖”、“中国科学院朱李月华优秀教师奖”、“中国科学院大学必和必拓导师奖”;培养的研究生已有7人次获得“中国科学院院长奖”(含3次特别奖)和“中国科学院优博论文”。现承担国家重点研发计划首席科学家、基金委杰青和重点项目。


1. 肠道菌群与健康


2. 环形非编码RNA


3. 单细胞及空间多组学技术







  1. He R,Zhu J,Ji P* & Zhao F*. SEVtras delineates small extracellular vesicles at droplet resolution from single-cell transcriptomes. Nature Methods,2024,21:259-266.
  2. Zhou T,Xiao L,Zuo Z* & Zhao F*. MAMI: a comprehensive database of mother-infant microbiome and probiotic resources. Nucleic Acids Research,2024,52:D738-D746.
  3. Li Z,Zhang B,Wang N,Zuo Z,Wei H & Zhao F*. A novel peptide protects against diet-induced obesity by suppressing appetite and modulating the gut microbiota. Gut,2023,72:686-698.
  4. Hou L,Zhang J* & Zhao F*. Full-length circular RNA profiling by nanopore sequencing and CIRI-long. Nature Protocols,2023,18:1795-1813.
  5. Xiao L & Zhao F*. ­­Microbial transmission,colonization and succession: from pregnancy to infancy. Gut,2023,72: 772-786.
  6. He R,Li P,Wang J,Cui B,Zhang F & Zhao F*. The interplay of gut microbiota between donors and recipients determines the efficacy of fecal microbiota transplantation. Gut Microbes,2022,14(1):e2100197.
  7. Xiao L,Zhang F & Zhao F*. Large-scale microbiome data integration enables robust biomarker identification. Nature Computational Science,2022,2: 307-316.
  8. Wu W,Zhang J,Cao X,Cai Z & Zhao F*. Exploring the cellular landscape of circular RNAs using full-length single-cell RNA sequencing. Nature Communications,2022,13(1):3242.
  9. Yang J,Hou L,Wang J,Xiao L,Zhang J,Yin N,Yao S,Cheng K,Zhang W,Shi Z,Wang J,Jiang H,Huang N,You Y,Lin M,Shang R,Wei Y*,Zhao Y* & Zhao F*. Unfavourable intrauterine environment contributes to abnormal gut microbiome and metabolome in twins. Gut,2022,71:2451-2462.
  10. Chen S,Cao X,Zhang J,Wu W,Zhang B & Zhao F*. circVAMP3 drivesCAPRIN1phase separation and inhibits hepatocellular carcinoma by suppressing c-Myc translation. Advanced Science,2022,9(8):e2103817.
  11. Yu Y,Zhang B,Ji P,Zuo Z,Huang Y,Wang N,Liu C,Liu SJ & Zhao F*. Changes to gut amino acid transporters and microbiome associated with increased E/I ratio in Chd8+/- mouse model of ASD-like behavior. Nature Communications,2022,13(1):1151.
  12. Zhang J,Hou L,Zuo Z,Zhang X,Xue Y & Zhao F*. Comprehensive profiling of circular RNAs with nanopore sequencing and CIRI-long. Nature Biotechnology,2021,39:836-845.
  13. Xiao L,Wang J,Zheng J,Li X & Zhao F*. Deterministic transition of enterotypes shapes the infant gut microbiome at an early age. Genome Biology,2021,22:243.
  14. Wang J,Li Z,Ma X,Du L,Jia Z,Cui X,Yu L,Xiao L,Zhang B,Fan H & Zhao F*. Translocation of vaginal microbiota is involved in impairment and protection of uterine health. Nature Communications,2021,12:4191.
  15. Jia N, Wang J,Shi W, Du L,Sun Y,et al.,Tick Genome and Microbiome Consortium, Zhao F* & Cao WC*. Large-scale comparative analyses of tick genomes elucidate their genetic diversity and vector capacities. Cell,2020,182(5):1328-1340
  16. Zhang J, Chen S, Yang J & Zhao F*. Accurate quantification of circular RNAs identifies extensive circular isoform switching events. Nature Communications,2020,11:90.
  17. Wu W,Ji P & Zhao F*. CircAltas: An integrated resource of one million highly confident circular RNAs from 1,070 transcriptomes of vertebrates. Genome Biology,2020,21:101.
  18. Wang J, Jia Z, Zhang B,Peng L & Zhao F*. Tracing the accumulation of in vivo human oral microbiota elucidates microbial community dynamics at the gateway to the GI tract. Gut,2020,69:1355-1356.
  19. Ji P, Wu W, Chen S, et al, Zhao F*. Expanded expression landscape and prioritization of circular RNAs in mammals. Cell Reports, 2019,26 (12),3444-3460.
  20. Wang J,Zheng J, Shi W, Du N,Xu X, Zhang Y, Ji P, Zhang F, Jia Z,Wang Y,Zheng Z,Zhang H & Zhao F*. Dysbiosis of maternal and neonatal microbiota associated with gestational diabetes mellitus. Gut,2018, 67:1614-1625.


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