姓  名: 孙中生
学  科: 基因组和表观基因组
电话/传真: +86-10-64884959 / 
电子邮件: sunzs@ioz.ac.cn
通讯地址: 北京市朝阳区林萃东路遗传所1号楼 100101


孙中生博士,研究员,中国科学院大学魏桥讲席教授。1982年北京大学学士;1992年美国德克萨斯A&M大学博士。曾任路易斯安那州立大学神经学中心和康奈尔大学威尔医学院助理教授。曾首次克隆了哺乳动物关键的生物钟基因-mPer1和mPer2,揭示了哺乳动物生物钟的分子生物学基础,1997年荣获Science杂志十大科学突破。2017年曾获第七届中国科学院北京分院科技成果转化三等奖,2018年“药明康德生命化学研究奖”学者奖,国务院政府特殊津贴专家。主要通过开发基因组、转录组、表观基因组的新技术及分析工具来理解生命现象与人类疾病。开发了多个囊括临床数据与遗传信息于一体的强大分析工具和数据库,为包括孤独症在内的复杂疾病的候选基因的筛选提供了方法学支撑。利用自主开发的工具系统地研究了自闭症等神经精神疾病的候选基因、临床亚型以及基因型与临床表型之间的相互关系,相关研究为复杂疾病的精准诊疗数据支撑。整合分析了不同神经精神疾病共有和特有的新发突变和候选基因,为临床上准确诊疗自闭症以及亚型分类提供了科学的遗传学依据;研究了头围大小相关基因在自闭症中的遗传机制研究;并在国际上首次从遗传学角度解读自闭症临床诊断指南DSM-5。还基于大样本量的中国神经发育障碍患者的靶向测序进一步完善了中国患者的遗传图谱,并进一步整合公共数据鉴定出新的后选基因以及中国患者特有的遗传特征及风险基因。在CellMolecular PsychiatryAmerican Journal of Human GeneticsBloodAdvanced scienceNucleic Acids ResearchCell Reports等著名国际期刊上发表论文130余篇。







  1. Wang Y,Zhang K,Guo J,Yang S,Shi X,Pan J,Sun Z,Zou J,Li Y,Li Y,Fan T,Wei S,Cheng F,Zeng C,Li J,Zhang T*,Sun Z*. Loss-of-Function of p21-Activated Kinase 2 Links BMP Signaling to Neural Tube Patterning Defects. Advanced Science. 2023,10,2204018.
  2. Li Y,FanT,Li X,Liu L,Mao F,LiY,Miao Z,Zeng C,Song W,Pan J,Zhou S,Sunday ME,Wang H,Wang Y,* and Sun Z*. Npas3 deficiency impairs cortical astrogenesis and induces autistic-like behaviors. Cell Reports. 2022,40(9):111289.
  3. Wang T,Zhao T ,Liu L,Teng H,Fan T,Li Y,Wang Y,Li J*,Xia K*,and Sun Z*. Integrative analysis prioritised oxytocin-related biomarkers associated with the aetiology of autism spectrum disorder. eBioMedicine. 2022,81:104091.
  4. Liang J,Zhang K,Yang J,Li X,Li Q,Wang Y,Cai W,Teng H* and Sun Z*. A new approach to decode DNA methylome and genomic variants simultaneously from double strand bisulfite sequencing. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 2021;5;22(6):bbab201.
  5. Teng H,Xue M,Liang J,Wang X,Wang L,Wei W,Li C,Zhang Z,Li Q,Ran X,Shi X,Cai W,Wang W,Gao H,Sun Z*. Inter- and intratumor DNA methylation heterogeneity associated with lymph node metastasis and prognosis of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Theranostics. 2020;10(7):3035-3048.
  6. Teng H,Wei W,Li Q,Xue M,Shi X,Li X,Mao F*,Sun Z*. Prevalence and architecture of posttranscriptionally impaired synonymous mutations in 8320 genomes across 22 cancer types. Nucleic Acids Research.2020;48(3):1192-1205.
  7. Li J,Hu S,Zhang K,Shi L,Zhang Y,Zhao T,Wang L,He X,Xia K,Liu C,Sun Z*. A comparative study of the genetic components of three subcategories of autism spectrum disorder. Mol Psychiatry. 2019;24(11):1720-1731.
  8. Wang Y,Zeng C,Li J,Zhou Z,Ju X,Xia S,Li Y,Liu A,Teng H,Zhang K,Shi L,Bi C,Xie W,He X,Jia Z,Jiang Y,Cai T,Wu J,Xia K*,Sun Z*. PAK2 Haploinsufficiency Results in Synaptic Cytoskeleton Impairment and Autism-Related Behavior. Cell Rep. 2018;24(8):2029-2041.
  9. Liu Y,Liang Y,Cicek AE,Li Z,Li J,Muhle RA,Krenzer M,Mei Y,Wang Y,Knoblauch N,Morrison J,Zhao S,Jiang Y,Geller E,Ionita-Laza I,Wu J Xia K,Noonan JP,Sun ZS*,He X*. A Statistical Framework for Mapping Risk Genes from De Novo Mutations in Whole-Genome-Sequencing Studies. American Journal of Human Genetics, 2018,102(6):1031-1047.
  10. Liang J#,Feng D#,Cai W#,Teng H,Mao F,Jiang Y,Hu S,Li X,Zhang Y,Liu B*,Sun Z*. Genetic landscape of papillary thyroid carcinoma in the Chinese population. The Journal of Pathology,2018,244(2):215-226.


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