姓 名: |
陈增龙 |
学 科: |
农药学 |
电话/传真: |
+86-10-64807261、18610118687 / |
电子邮件: |
chenzenglong@ioz.ac.cn |
通讯地址: |
北京市朝阳区北辰西路1号院5号,中国科学院动物研究所,农业虫害鼠害综合治理研究国家重点实验室 100101 |
更多信息: |
入侵生物互作生态学研究组 农药残留分析研究中心
陈增龙,博士,副研究员,硕士生导师,中国科学院动物研究所农药残留分析研究中心机构负责人(TFM),入选北京朝阳凤凰人才计划。长期从事农药手性识别与生态风险评估研究,以第一/通讯作者(含共同)在Trends in Food Science & Technology、Environmental Chemistry Letters、Environment International、Journal of Hazardous Materials、Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry等期刊发表学术论文50余篇,参编著作1部。主持国家自然科学基金(青年、面上)、国家农业行业标准制修订项目、农产品质量安全监管专项等,以第一完成人制定国家标准39项,团体标准3项,国家发明专利及软件著作权5项等。荣获中国化学会中化扬农农业化学新秀奖、北京农药学会振兴农药事业奖等。
世界贸易组织(WTO)农药领域技术性贸易措施官方评议专家、农业农村标准技术审查评估专家、北京农药学会理事、中国昆虫学会国际学术交流工作委员会委员兼秘书、中国植物保护学会农药残留与环境安全专业委员会委员、中国毒理学会农药毒理学与安全评价专委会委员、中国材料与试验标准化委员会委员等。New Plant Protection、Advanced Agrochem、Agriculture Communications等期刊(青年)编委等。
- Chen ZL*,Zhao LL,Kang SS,Liew RK,Lichtfouse E. Toxicity and environmental fate of the less toxic chiral neonicotinoid pesticides: a review. Environmental Chemistry Letters,2024. DOI:10.1007/s10311-024-01808-1.
- Qin MY#,Chen ZL#,Liu X,Ren X*. MicroRNA-mediated mechanisms in whole grain consumption for preventing type 2 diabetes mellitus. Trends in Food Science & Technology,2024,153,104745.
- Li T#,Wu XJ#,Zheng LF,Cheng YP,Zhao LL,Chen ZL*. Quantitative tracing of typical herbicides and their metabolites in sorghum agrosystems for fate tendency and cumulative risk. Food Chemistry,2025,464,141638.
- Zhang L#,Zhang CP#,Xu ZB,Wu MN,Cheng YP,Zhao LL,Chen ZL*. Insights into the occurrence,distribution and dissipation of widespread agrochemicals in celery agrosystems for joint risk assessment. Environmental Research, 2024,263,120036.
- Li T#,Li L#,Li SZ#,Ren X,Wu MN,Liu FJ,Cheng YP,Chen ZL*. Integrating processing factors and large-scale cabbage cultivation to understand the fate tendency and health risks of tolfenpyrad using deterministic and probabilistic models. Journal of Hazardous materials,2025,486,137131.
- Wang X,Chen L,Ren X,Kang SS,Zhao LL,Zhang HX,Li XB,and Chen ZL*. Fate characteristics and risk quantification of cyflumetofen from tomato cultivation to processing based on large–scale applications. Journal of Hazardous materials,2024,465: 133496.
- Xu ZB#,Ren X#,Chen L,Liu FJ,Zhang HX,Zhao LL,and Chen ZL*. Fate and occurrence of indoxacarb during radish cultivation for multi-risk assessment. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2024, 270: 115833.
- Li L*,Yin SJ,Kang SS,Chen ZL*,Wang F,and Pan W. Comprehensive effects of thiamethoxam from contaminated soil on lettuce growth and metabolism. Environmental Pollution 2024, 343: 123186.
- Pan W#,Chen ZL#,Wang X,Wang FY,Liu J,and Li L*. Occurrence,dissipation and processing factors of multi-pesticides in goji berry. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2024,473: 134696
- An L,Yuan YL,Chen H,Li M,Ma JW,Zhou J,Zheng LF,Ma H,Chen ZL*,Hao CY,Wu XJ*. Comprehensive widely targeted metabolomics to decipher the molecular mechanisms of Dioscorea opposita thunb. cv. Tiegun quality formation during harvest. Food Chemistry: X 2024, 21: 101159.
- Kang SS,Li L,Ren X,Zhang MH,Li W,and Chen ZL*. Occurrence and fate characteristics of isoproturon from garlic cultivation to household processing: Implication for human exposure. Journal of Hazardous materials 2023, 448:130936.
- Chen ZL,Kang SS,Ren X,Cheng YP,Li W,and Zhao LL*. Large-scale fate profiling of butralin between cultivated and processed garlics for multi-risk estimations,Science of the Total Environment,2023,873: 162369.
- Chen ZL,Liu ZQ,Ren X,Kang SS,Li W,and Zhao LL*. Health risks of dietary ethirimol exposure demand attention in China: A study of nationwide applications. Chemosphere 2023, 331: 138810.
- Wang X,Chen L,Ren X,Kang SS,Li W,and Chen ZL*. A nationwide study of residual fate of fluxapyroxad and its metabolites in peanut crops across China: Assessment of human exposure potential. Molecules 2023, 28: 194. (Cover paper)
- Chen ZL,Wang X,Ren X,Li W,Chen L,and Zhao LL*. Fate and occurrence of indoxacarb during radish cultivation for multi-risk assessment. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2023, 259: 115065.
- Liu ZQ,Cheng YP,Yuan LF,Ren X,Liao XJ,Li L,Li W,Chen ZL*. Enantiomeric profiling of mefentrifluconazole in watermelon across China: Enantiochemistry,environmental fate,storage stability,and comparative dietary risk assessment. Journal of Hazardous materials,2021,417: 125985.
- Chen ZL*,Dong FS,Ren X,Wu XJ,Yuan LF,Li L,Li W,Zheng YQ*. Enantioselective fate of dinotefuran from tomato cultivation to home canning for refining dietary exposure. Journal of Hazardous materials, 2021,405,124254.
- Li CD#,Chen ZL#,Qin DM,Liu R,Li L,Li W,He YJ*,Yuan LF*. Simultaneous determination of the herbicide bixlozone and its metabolites in plant and animal samples by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Separation Science,2021,44(4):822-832. (Cover paper)
- Chen ZL#,Yao XM#,Dong FS*,Duan HX,Shao XS,Chen X,Yang T,Wang GR*,Zheng YQ*. Ecological toxicity reduction of dinotefuran to honeybee: New perspective from an enantiomeric level. Environment International,2019,130,104854.
- Li RN,Chen ZL,Tao Y,Pan XL,Jiang DD,Dong FS*,Xu J,Liu XG,Wu XH,and Zheng YQ. Determination of valifenalate in grape,vegetables,and soil using ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry and exploration of its degradation behavior in grape field. Food Analytical Methods,2019,12(3):742-751.
- Li RN,Chen ZL,Dong FS*,Xu J,Liu XG,Wu XH,Pan XL,Tao Y,and Zheng YQ. Supercritical fluid chromatographic-tandem mass spectrometry method for monitoring dissipation of thiacloprid in greenhouse vegetables and soil under different application modes. Journal of Chromatography B,2018,1081-1082: 25-32.
- Shi KW,Chen ZL, Liu FM*,Li L*,and Yuan LF. Influence of lactic acid bacteria on stereoselective degradation of theta‐cypermethrin. Chirality,2017,30(3):310-308.
- Pan XL,Dong FS,Chen ZL,Xu J,Liu XG,Wu XH,and Zheng YQ*. The application of chiral ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry to the separation of the zoxamide enantiomers and the study of enantioselective degradation process in agricultural plants. Journal of Chromatography A,2017,1525:87-95.
- Liu N,Dong FS,Chen ZL,Xu J,Liu XG,Duan LF,Li MM,and Zheng YQ*. Distribution behaviour of acaricide cyflumetofen in tomato during home canning. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A. 2016,33 (5):824-830.
- Chen ZL,Dong FS,Pan XL,Xu J,Liu XG,Wu XH,Zheng YQ*. Influence of Uptake Pathways on the Stereoselective Dissipation of Chiral Neonicotinoid Sulfoxaflor in Greenhouse Vegetables. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,2016,64(13):2655-2660.
- Chen ZL,Dong FS,Li SS,Zheng ZT,Xu YW,Xu J,Liu XG,Zheng YQ*. Response surface methodology for the enantioseparation of dinotefuran and its chiral metabolite in bee products and environmental samples by supercritical fluid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A,2015,1410: 181-189.
- Chen ZL,Dong FS,Xu J,Liu XG,Zheng YQ*. Management of pesticide residues in China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture,2015,14(11):2319-2327.
- Chen ZL,Dong FS,Xu J,Liu XG,Cheng YP,Liu N,Tao Y,Pan XL,Zheng YQ*. Stereoselective separation and pharmacokinetic dissipation of the chiral neonicotinoid sulfoxaflor in soil by ultraperformance convergence chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry,2014,406(26):6677-6690.
- Chen ZL,Dong FS,Xu J,Liu XG,Cheng YP,Liu N,Tao Y,Zheng YQ*. Stereoselective determination of a novel chiral insecticide,sulfoxaflor,in brown rice,cucumber and apple by normal-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. Chirality,2014,26(2):114-120.