姓  名: 乔慧捷
学  科: 生态学/生物地理学
电话/传真: +86-10-64807129 / 
电子邮件: qiaohj@ioz.ac.cn
通讯地址: 北京市朝阳区北辰西路1号院5号
中国科学院动物研究所中国科学院动物生态与保护生物学重点实验室 100101
更多信息: 生物多样性信息学研究组     



在生态建模相关的理论与方法学领域,利用虚拟世界模拟物种扩散与生态位演化方面,建立了完备的理论体系,基于此设计部署了相应的模拟系统,并在此系统基础之上,已经完成了全球尺度的物种扩散与生态位演化模拟。分析了(1)物种生态位宽度、扩散能力、环境变化速率与物种灭绝和新物种的形成的关系;(2)生态位宽度和物种多样性的纬度梯度形成机制;(3)演化策略与多样性速率的关系,以及(4)地形因素对物种灭绝的影响等多个模拟工作。研究工作在生态学、地理学和进化生物学等领域重要国际期刊Nature Ecology & Evolution, Nature GeoScience, Global Environmental Change, Global Ecology and Biogeography, Methods in Ecology & Evolution, American Naturalist等共发表论文近80篇,总引用2800+次,H因子26(更新日期2023-12-31)。

任Methods in Ecology & Evolution主编(2022-)、编委(2018-2022),Global Ecology and Biogeography(2020-),Ecology & Evolution(2019-2022)和《生物多样性》(2019-)等期刊编委,中国地理学会生物地理学专业委员会理事,中国动物学会生物地理学分会理事。






  • 使用互相映射的现实与虚拟场景对生态位模型适用性的比较研究,面上项目
  • 基于仿真平台揭示不同时空尺度物种多样性格局的形成与维持机制,面上项目
  • 陆生脊椎动物监测设备研制,国家重点研发计划项目
  • 全球变化对中国陆生生物多样性的影响及风险评估,国家重点研发计划项目
  • 新发/重大农业入侵种跨区域扩散与风险驱动模式,国家重点研发计划项目
  • 重大农业入侵生物扩张蔓延机制与高效防控技术研究,国家重点研发计划项目


  1. Huijie Qiao*, A. Townsend Peterson, Corinne E. Myers, Qinmin Yang, Erin E. Saupe*. (2023) Ecological niche conservatism spurs diversification in response to climate change. Nature Ecology & Evolution. In press.
  2. Huijie Qiao, Michael Orr, Qinmin Yang, Xiangjiang Zhan, Fumin Lei, and Alice C. Hughes*. (2023) Global birdwatching data reveal uneven consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. Biological Conservation. 288 (2023): 110351.
  3. Michael C. Orr#, Alice C. Hughes#, Mark J. Costello, Huijie Qiao*. (2022). Biodiversity data synthesis is critical for realizing a functional post-2020 framework. Biological Conservation 274: 109735.
  4. Alice C. Hughes, Michael C. Orr, Fumin Lei, Qinmin Yang, Huijie Qiao*. (2022). Understanding drivers of global urban bird diversity. Global Environmental Change 76: 102588.
  5. Xiao Feng* and Huijie Qiao* (2022) Accounting for dispersal using simulated data improves understanding of species abundance patterns. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 31(2):200-214.
  6. Yuanbao Du#, Liqing Fan#, Zhenghui Xu, Zhixin Wen, Tianlong Cai, Anderson Feijo, Junhua Hu, Fumin Lei, Qisen Yang*, Huijie Qiao*. (2021). A multi-faceted comparative perspective on elevational beta-diversity: the patterns and their causes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 288(1949): 20210343.
  7. Alice C. Hughes, Michael C. Orr*, Keping Ma, Mark J. Costello, John Waller, Pieter Provoost, Qinmin Yang, Chaodong Zhu, Huijie Qiao* (2021). Sampling biases shape our view of the natural world. Ecography 44(9): 1259-1269.
  8. Alice C. Hughes, Michael C. Orr*, Qinmin Yang, Huijie Qiao*. (2021) Effectively and accurately mapping global biodiversity patterns for different regions and taxa. Global Ecology and Biogeography 30(7): 1375-1388.
  9. Erin E. Saupe#*, Huijie Qiao#, Yannick Donnadieu, Alexander Farnsworth, Alan T. Kennedy-Asser, Jean-Baptiste Ladant, Daniel J Lunt, Alexandre Pohl, Paul Valdes, Seth Finnegan#. (2020). Starting state and cooling magnitude explain extinction intensity during Ordovician and Cenozoic glaciations. Nature GeoScience. 13(1): 65-70.
  10. A. Townsend Peterson, Paul E. Johnson, Narayani Barve, Ada Emmett, Marc L. Greenberg, Josh Bolick, Huijie Qiao*. (2019). The NIH public access policy did not harm biomedical journals. PLoS Biology. 17(10): e3000352.
  11. Erin E. Saupe*, Corinne E. Myers, A. Townsend Peterson, Jorge Soberón, Joy Singarayer, Paul Valdes, Huijie Qiao*. (2019) Spatio-temporal climate change contributes to latitudinal diversity gradients. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 10(3): 1419-1429.
  12. Erin E. Saupe*, Corinne E. Myers, A. Townsend Peterson, Jorge Soberón, Joy Singarayer, Paul Valdes, Huijie Qiao*. (2019) Non-random latitudinal gradients in range size and niche breadth predicted by spatial patterns of climate. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 28(7): 928-942.
  13. Huijie Qiao, Xiao Feng*, Luis E. Escobar, A. Townsend Peterson, Jorge Soberón, Gengping Zhu, Monica Papeş. (2019) An evaluation of transferability of ecological niche models. Ecography. 42(3): 521-534.
  14. Huijie Qiao, et al. (2018) From nature reserve to national park system pilot: Changes of environmental coverage in the Three-River-Source National Park and implications for amphibian and reptile conservation. Biodiversity Science. 26(2): 202-209. (in Chinese).
  15. Huijie Qiao, A. Townsend Peterson, Liqiang Ji, Junhua Hu*. (2017) Using data from related species to overcome spatial sampling bias and associated limitations in ecological niche modeling. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 8(12): 1804-1812.
  16. Huijie Qiao*, Luis E. Escobar*, Erin Saupe, Liqiang Ji and Jorge Soberon. (2016) A cautionary note on the use of hypervolume kernel density in ecological niche modeling. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 26(9): 1066–1070.
  17. Huijie Qiao, Erin Saupe*, Corinne Myers, A. Townsend Peterson, Jorge Soberón. (2016) Impacts of niche breadth and dispersal ability on macroevolutionary patterns under changing environments. American Naturalist. 188: 149-162.
  18. Luis E. Escobar, Huijie Qiao*, A. Townsend Peterson. (2016) Forecasting Chikungunya (Alphavirus) spread in the Americas via data-driven, empirical approaches. Parasites and Vectors. 9: 112.
  19. Huijie Qiao*, A. Townsend Peterson, Lindsay P. Campbell, Jorge Soberón, Liqiang Ji, Luis E. Escobar*. (2016) NicheA: creating virtual species and ecological niches in multivariate environmental scenarios. Ecography. 39: 805-813.
  20. Huijie Qiao, Jorge Soberón, A. Townsend Peterson*.  (2015) No silver bullets in correlative ecological niche modeling: The need for testing among many potential algorithms for niche estimation. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 6: 1126-1136.
  21. Luis E. Escobar, Muhammad N. Awan, Huijie Qiao*. (2015) Anthropogenic disturbance and habitat loss for the red-listed Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus): Using ecological niche modeling and nighttime light satellite imagery. Biological Conservation. 191: 400-407.


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