姓  名: 季 婷
学  科: 生态学
电话/传真: +86-64807192 / 
电子邮件: jiting@ioz.ac.cn
通讯地址: 北京市朝阳区北辰西路1号院5号中国科学院动物研究所 中国科学院动物生态与保护生物学重点实验室 100101


  1999-2003 首都师范大学 生物学 学士

  2003-2008 中国科学院动物研究所 生态学 博士

  2008-2014 中国科学院动物研究所 助理研究员

  2014至今  中国科学院动物研究所 副研究员

  2015-2016 英国伦敦大学学院 博士后






  主持国家自然基金面上项目2项,国家973计划项目子课题一项,合作主持英国科学院国际交流项目(International Partnership and Mobility Scheme 2012)一项。


  1. He, Q. Q., Feng, T. J., Tao, Y., Zhang, B., & Ji, T.* (2018). Asymmetric evolutionary game dynamics based on individuals’ own volition. Journal of theoretical biology, 454, 118-125.
  2. Mace, Ruth #*; Thomas, Matthew G. #; Wu, Jiajia #; He, Qiao-Qiao #; Ji, Ting #*; Tao, Yi*, Population structured by witchcraft beliefs, Nature Human Behaviour, 2018, 2(1), 39-44.
  3. Thomas, Matthew Gwynfryn #, Ji, Ting *, Wu, Jia-Jia, He, Qiao-Qiao,Tao, Yi*, Mace, Ruth*, Kinship underlies costly cooperation in Mosuo villages, Royal Society Open Science, 2018, 5 (171535).
  4. He, Qiao-Qiao #, Wu, Jia-Jia #, Ji, Ting, Tao, Yi *, Mace, Ruth, Not leaving home: grandmothers and male dispersal in a duolocal human society, Behavioral Ecology, 2016.3.21, 27 (5): 1343~1352
  5. Ji, Ting, Zheng, Xiu-Deng, He, Qiao-Qiao, Wu, Jia-Jia, Mace, Ruth *, Tao, Yi *, Kinship as a frequency dependent strategy, Royal Society Open Science, 2016.2.17, 3 (150632)
  6. Wu, Jia-Jia, Ji, Ting, He, Qiao-Qiao, Du, Juan, Mace, Ruth, Cooperation is related to dispersal patterns in Sino-Tibetan populations, Nature Communications, 2015.01.01 6: 8693~8693
  7. Ji, Ting, Xu, Jing-Jing, Mace, Ruth *, Intergenerational and sibling conflict under patrilocality. A model of reproductive skew applied to human kinship, Human Nature, 2014.3.01, 25 (1):66~79
  8. Ji, Ting, Wu, Jia-Jia, He, Qiao-Qiao, Xu, Jing-Jing, Mace, Ruth *, Tao, Yi, Reproductive competition between females in the matrilineal Mosuo of southwestern China, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 2013.12.5, 368 (1631)
  9. Wu, Jia-Jia #, He, Qiao-Qiao #, Deng, Ling-Ling, Wang, Shi-Chang, Mace, Ruth, Ji, Ting *, Tao, Yi *, Communal breeding promotes a matrilineal social system where husband and wife live apart, Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 2013.5.7, 280 (1758)
  10. He, Qiao-Qiao , Zhang, Zhen, Zhang, Jian-Xin, Wang, Zhi-Guo, Tu, Ying #, Ji, Ting * , Tao, Yi, Potentials-attract or likes-attract in human mate choice in China., PLoS ONE, 2013.01.01, 8 (4): e59457~e59457
  11. Lu, Nan*, Zhang, Jia-Hua *, Sun, Yue-Hua, Tao, Yi *, Ji, Ting *, Evolutionary Dynamics of Fearfulness and Boldness: A Stochastic Simulation Model, PLoS ONE, 2012.3.8, 7 (3)
  12. Ting Ji, Boyu Zhang, Yue-Hua Sun, Yi Tao, Evolutionary dynamics of fearfulness and boldness, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2008, 256(4):637-643.


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